Spaniards in London

Spaniards in London is a series of shows made available on YouTube about the fictional experiences of several Spaniards recently arrived in London while they live with a British flatmate, work, flirt, date, audition for acting and signing roles, and of course get into various shenanigans. It’s entertaining enough and excellent for beginners because:

  • You won’t only hear Spanish since they end up talking to locals a lot who speak English to them and they reply (as best they can) in English, so although most of it is in Spanish, the student does get a bit of respite and a bit of help here and there with some carefully chosen English interspersed in.
  • The Spanish they use is intentionally basic and spoken slowly and clearly. This was obviously a series designed and written expressly for beginning Spanish students (a bit like Destinos, in that regard). Also, the actors are all native speakers from Spain (if you’re particularly interested in Iberian Spanish this is a plus for you).
  • They’re reasonably short, about 10-15 minutes per episode.
  • They have hard-coded subtitles that … are rather interesting. What they do is show English subtitles for Spanish and Spanish subtitles for English. Not how I would’ve done it, but it’s better than nothing (and especially useful for beginners).
[Annotation via Andrew at How to Learn Spanish]
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