is a bilingual contextual dictionary, containing translations of various phrases. For each translation, it has various example sentences demonstrating usage. es un diccionario contextual bilingue, conteniendo traducciones de varias frases. Para cada traduccion, tenemos ejemplos de uso en varias oraciones. Los ejemplos son tomados de millones de textos previamente traducidos que van desde dialogos (subtitulos de peliculas), hasta documentos oficiales de sitios web multilenguaje. … [ Read more ]

Urban Dictionary

I’ll give you a little tip concerning slang: the best ‘Spanish slang dictionary’ in the world is… ready?… Urban Dictionary. I’m not kidding. I’ve tried everything that calls itself a ‘Spanish slang dictionary’, hard copy books and online, and none of them compare to Urban Dictionary. You’ll be amazed how much is in there, try looking up any Spanish slang you can think of, in … [ Read more ]


Translating documents from desktop applications is always a bit difficult due to inadequate translating resources provided (if at all) by applications, such as, text editors, word processors and messenger application. Transmiti is a Google Powered portable application which is capable of translating text from any application. It can translate selected text or entire documents using a hotkey. You can either copy the translation to clipboard … [ Read more ]


A very nice online dictionary (with an iPhone version also). Will not only give the definition, but the part of speech (including transitive and reflexive forms of verbs on the same results page) and a conjugation table for verbs. Now many entries also include a video entry with proper pronunciation and an example sentence and translation.

Editor’s Note: the site also has a verb conjugator … [ Read more ]

Real Academia Española

Offers two online dictionaries, both Spanish-Spanish. One is the Diccionario de la lengua española and the second is Diccionario panhispánico de dudas. Both are quite good and offer much more detail than most dictionaries, including explanations and sample sentences.

Medical Spanish

Comprehensive website with a medical Spanish focus. Resources include a daily word, sections on medical vocabulary and basic vocabulary, and a cultural section. There are also courses for various health care workers, and an extensive medical Spanish dictionary, complete with audio.

Bilingual English-Spanish Dictionary

The online bilingual Dictionary application here provided is a free service of Word Magic Software Inc. You will find that it is the most complete online bilingual and bidirectional English-Spanish dictionary on the web, showing not only direct translations but synonyms, complete definitions, set phrases, idioms, proverbs, usage examples, famous quotes and compound entries as well, all related to your entry word. On top of … [ Read more ]

Diccionario Español

WordReference ofrece el Diccionario de la lengua española © 2005 Espasa Calpe.
* Más de 50.000 entradas.
* Más de 150.000 definiciones y ejemplos de uso.
* Más de 7.000 notas gramaticales.
* Más de 5.000 voces y acepciones del español de América.

Spanish Verb Conjugator (123TeachMe)

I have a link to another verb conjugator, but I just found this one and based on initial use it seems even better as it includes some basic information about the verb (including definition and common usage) along with some sample sentences.

Nice Translator

Language translation site Nice Translator uses Google Translate’s results but wraps them in a more dynamic front end that offers multiple translations as-you-type.

Type your phrase into Nice Translator, which auto-detects what language you’re inputting, and watch as it lists multiple translations, in real-time, as you type. Google Translate’s page isn’t as nice-looking or dynamic as Nice Translator, since it requires you to choose both the … [ Read more ]

General Advice on Writing in Spanish

The following hints and reminders should help to make your written Spanish more acceptable to the Spanish reader by avoiding mistakes and un-Spanish expressions derived from English conventions. They inevitably distract attention from what you wish to convey.

The WordReference Dictionaries are free online translation dictionaries. Supporting the translation dictionaries, we also have the Internet’s premier language forums. If you have a question about language usage, first search the hundreds of thousands of previous questions. If you still are not sure, then you can ask the question yourself. Native speakers from around the world will be happy to assist … [ Read more ]